Focus on Employee Engagement
Complacency develops for many reasons, with one being a perception that new ideas are unwelcome or even rejected. To...
When people start a new job they are experiencing a transition; they’re introduced to a new role, coworkers, and...
To ensure productive meetings, Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos doesn’t use presentations. He recommends starting each meeting with at least...
An employee onboarding team comprised of individuals who model the organization’s culture and values can be created to own...
Try your hand at empathetic listening and negotiating to strengthen team communication and relationships. During your next meeting, listen...
Instead of focusing on the next thing you will say after the speaker is finished talking, focus on the...
As you meet with your direct reports each month, you may find you have more ideas than you can...
Employees who are engaged are more likely to be enthusiastic and emotionally attached to their work. They are fully...
Silent feedback may seem like an oxymoron, but it can be a powerful tool for collective brainstorming and reflection....
Your career development map should be a living document. Revisit it every 90 days, or every 6 months to...
During one-on-one conversations with potential new leaders, dig deep to learn about what motivates the individual. What part of...
The best person to improve a process is the person who carries out the process. Fully utilize employee skill-sets...
Are your middle leaders confident in their abilities to execute your most recent goals? Could they use a hand?...
Connecting personally with your employees makes them feel heard and valued. Take the time to connect with one employee...
Start your day by speaking with each employee. Make a personal connection, know about them and their family. Ask...
Thinking about and plotting staff on a performance curve can feel a bit mechanical. While this task is guided...
Low solid performers are important members of our team. While they might need coaching around a particular skill, they...
An employee forum can either be viewed as a valuable learning opportunity or as a waste of time. To...
As leaders, we do some things well and others not so well. Our perception is not always the perception...
Retaining high-performers is absolutely key to the success of the organization. Top-performing employees drive the culture and achieve quality...
Leader Connection Questions are key to employee satisfaction. The better employees feel about their work environment, the greater opportunity...
To help our teams understand the bigger picture and continue to focus on our big aim goals, take time...
Make Them Want to Stay You’ve screened, interviewed and selected the best talent. When it comes time for their...
Create a Memorable Experience In the book, The Power of Moments, authors Chip Heath and Dan Heath explain that...
786 million vacation days went unused for Americans in 2018. Research reveals 55% of American’s didn’t use all of...
TIPS FOR RECRUITING TOP TALENT Craft a clear job description. Avoid using terms such as “ninja” and “rockstar” which are vague...
ASSEMBLE A BARRIERS TEAM The most successful organizations encourage communication and information sharing outside of specific teams and departments. Barriers...
To help employees better connect to their purpose, ask them purpose-related questions during one-on-one meetings. Here are a few examples:...
Retaining high-performers is absolutely key to the success of the organization. Top-performing employees drive the culture and achieve quality...
Ask what high performing employees need to be a long-term employee; what can you do for them? Coach this...
Generalized appreciation doesn’t feel authentic and may even come off as just going through the motions. Instead, use details... Reflection Activity Video Transcript Reflection Activity How can leaders build a culture where people are engaged? What can...
Collect customer comments that reflect the unmistakable value your organization provides. Share those comments with your team to open...
64% of managers say they don’t think their own employees will be able to keep pace with skills needed...
Valued employees are engaged employees The relationship between an employee and their leader directly impacts employee satisfaction. For 93%...
What communication tools, procedures, or standards are causing a barrier in your workplace? Is there a better solution for...
Recognize Low-Morale Have you noticed an increase in employee turnover? Or maybe a lack of urgency and focus to...
Once you’ve identified upcoming leaders within the organization, get to know them better. Identify their skills and what areas...
Ask employees you supervise what is one of their strengths or talents. Find a way to incorporate their strength...
Avoid the temptation of listening to others only to prepare yourself for a response. The act of listening helps...
Employees appreciate most when recognition is designed by them and for them. Ask your employees how they like to...
Formal and informal conversations with individuals provide us with feedback we can immediately use to improve employee engagement. If...
Confidential information should never be shared in an email. Use the phone or a meeting for these discussions.
Strategy sessions provide a forum for open and honest conversation about challenges and resources. The more we involve the...
Today, examine one process you or your team uses most frequently to eliminate extra steps and identify ways to...
Invite a coworker to have a cup of coffee or bring them a small gift to celebrate a job...
“What is the one area in which you would most like me to place an extra focus?” and proceed...
Today spend more time with people who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you.
While giving critical feedback, remind the recipient that you believe in them and their abilities, the goal you are...
Come up with a way to incorporate ‘FUN’ into a workday. To get people excited, you have to be...
When someone comes to you with an idea, sincerely thank them for it. We give others value when we...
Learn something new about an employee by asking them about their family or interests. Value is created when we...
Welcome new members of your team before they begin their first day. People want to go where they are...
Ask your team how they stay motivated, engaged, and focused. Ask for their ideas to increase employee engagement activities....
Ask your employees what they need from you (tools, resources, feedback) to exceed results, and give it to them...
Start today by sharing your connection to purpose with your team. Employees want to have purpose and do worthwhile...
When you are faced with a tough conversation, first consider your goals. The first is to solve the problem....
Individually ask your team members a personal question today. Investing in the emotional side of your team builds the...
Make a commitment to have more productive meetings, by starting and ending all meetings on time today. Your team...
How do you get people to trust? Start with trusting first. Share a vulnerable experience with a colleague today...
Whether it’s the strategic direction or leadership decisions, building trust in an organization takes a consistent demonstration of action...
review results as a team Most of us want leaders who: show appreciation for positive results want to be...