Complacency develops for many reasons, with one being a perception that new ideas are unwelcome or even rejected. To combat complacency, consider ways you can encourage ideas from employees at all levels. Allowing employees to submit Bright Ideas to a peer group for review and implementation honors employees’ ideas while simultaneously improving the organization.
Bright Ideas:
Roll Out Survey Results with Employees
hailstudio, , 0
review results as a team Most of us want leaders who: show appreciation for positive results want to be...
Building Trust
hailstudio, , 0
Whether it’s the strategic direction or leadership decisions, building trust in an organization takes a consistent demonstration of action...
Prioritize for Joy
Mandy, , 0
Identify what priorities will allow you to lead a happy life and let those things guide you.
Create a Vision
9P, , 0
People follow leaders that can see beyond today’s problems and visualize a brighter future. Show your team the connection...