Retaining high-performers is absolutely key to the success of the organization. Top-performing employees drive the culture and achieve quality results. When conversing with these employees, try saying, “We want to make sure you are with us for a very long time. Is there anything that would cause you to think about leaving? Are you satisfied with your work here? Are you moving in the direction you want to go?”
Tell Your High Performers You Want Them to Stay
Leader Connection Questions
hailstudio, , 0
CONNECT WITH EMPLOYEES AND GATHER INPUT Studies show employees want to provide input, but don’t feel like they are...
Roll Out Survey Results with Employees
hailstudio, , 0
review results as a team Most of us want leaders who: show appreciation for positive results want to be...
Building Trust
hailstudio, , 0
Whether it’s the strategic direction or leadership decisions, building trust in an organization takes a consistent demonstration of action...