As you meet with your direct reports each month, you may find you have more ideas than you can possibly implement. Come up with a system to put the best ideas in place. For example, at the end of each quarter, a leader may present the bank of ideas to their team and let them vote on which ideas to fulfill.
Idea Bank
Busting Through Barriers
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
ASSEMBLE A BARRIERS TEAM The most successful organizations encourage communication and information sharing outside of specific teams and departments. Barriers...
Make Meaningful Connections Simple
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Connecting personally with your employees makes them feel heard and valued. Take the time to connect with one employee...
Value People’s Ideas
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
When someone comes to you with an idea, sincerely thank them for it. We give others value when we...
Connections in Times of Challenge
Erica Callaway Karr, , 0
Connection Considerations Connection conversations (also check-in/rounding) help organizations harvest wins that can boost morale and promote successful actions. These...
Revisit Your Plan
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Your career development map should be a living document. Revisit it every 90 days, or every 6 months to...