Align Behaviors with Goals & Values
What’s at the Root? Often what lies beneath perfectionism is a fear of failing. It’s a desire to do...
Transition for Success Though hiring from a distance comes with a physical barrier, it doesn’t have to be a...
Impressions Matter The candidates we interview are also looking at us to determine if we are the right fit....
It’s hard for teams to innovate when they are pulled in competing directions. Before expecting innovation from your team,...
To increase accountability across a team, create clarity. Ensure roles, responsibilities, and goals are clear. It’s easier to be...
After an initial communication of all organizational goals, consider focusing on one goal at a time during the next...
When discussing strategic direction and strategic actions with our teams, it’s helpful to connect those actions to the organization’s...
Support high solid performers by working with them to breakdown their 90-day goals into more manageable pieces. Identify opportunities...
During connections with your team members, clarify their understanding of the strategic goals and how their roles reflect those...
Identify one thing at a time you can do, or stop doing, to make sure your leadership team is...
Bigger goals become more manageable when broken up into smaller, less disconcerting, achievements. Apply this method to a personal...
Look for opportunities to provide value and support to others. Offering feedback or advice, acting as a trusted mentor,...
Use weekly adjustment meetings to celebrate wins and unify the team around priorities. Spend a few minutes at each...
Leaders make change happen, and they do so by challenging their team to tackle Big Hairy Audacious Goals. To...
Fully activating a strategic plan and engaging all employees includes setting the stage and helping your team visualize the...
More than a force, it is a powerful tool for aligning both the goals and values of an organization....
As a new leader in an organization or role, it’s important to gain a deep understanding of the data,...
Avoid placing blame on someone else, sincerely apologize, and take ownership of the situation. Try not to offer customers...
Before you attend the event, have your purpose or goal in mind. Are you looking for career opportunities? Are...
What we permit, we promote. If non-compliance is tolerated, it is therefore promoted. As soon as possible address the... Reflection Activity Video Transcript Reflection Activity Who are the problem people on your team? Are you working with...
It’s important for goals to be difficult to achieve, to challenge us. However, too much of a challenge can... Reflection Activity Video Transcript Reflection Activity When evaluating a potential candidate, how do you determine if they are...
Stop yourself from thinking you “have” to do something, and start thinking about things like you “get” to do...
Identify employees you lead who could improve their ownership behaviors and help them develop plans for improvement. Clearly explain...
High performers want to work in organizations with other high performers. When leaders avoid addressing low performers, high and...
During Results Rollout, present the 3 highest items, the 3 lowest items, and themes derived from additional comments. While...
When leaders help their teams connect their daily work to a greater purpose, people become motivated to serve. Behind...
Look for a mentor who is honest, vulnerable, and has experience aligned to your goals. Seek to learn from...
Reacting to a negative situation isn’t transparency. To build trust and loyalty with employees and the organization’s community, leaders...
Collecting data is meaningless if we aren’t analyzing the data for opportunities and improvements. After data has been collected,...
When planning for the executive leader to host an employee forum, consider developing a theme and include costumes, role-plays,...
When aligning the goals of the organization to actions for specific employees, first consider each employee’s strengths. To increase...
Analyze what is working well on your teams and with individuals to determine what actions lead to the greatest...
Use a scorecard, stoplight report, or another tool to visually present yearly goals. This tool can be used in...
Is recognition in your organization leader-driven or employee-driven? Do rewards align with the recommended behaviors and values of the...
Focus on What Matters Using the organization’s strategic plan proactively, teams develop annual strategic goals and actions to align...
Connect with your team once a week for 10-15 minutes. Each member reports: one win/progress made, what step they’re...
To determine if a candidate’s attitudes and beliefs align with the organization’s values, develop behavior-based interview questions. Ask for...
Reply to all emails addressed to you, but be careful when responding “Reply all.” This can be irritating to...
Which actions will produce 80% of the quarterly goal results? Identifying which actions produces the majority of the results...
If you and a coworker don’t agree, ask your coworker what they think the right solution might be. You...
Next time you have a problem, before approaching the boss, be proactive and bring a solution or two or...
Identify 3 things you need to do to analyze your organization’s competition and 3 things you need to do...
Return communication within 24 hours of it being received. Consider simply acknowledging that you received the communication and provide...
Define your goals, write them down, and stay focused on them. Be distinctive and specific. You should be able...
CYCLES OF SUCCESS Leaders are often responsible for core outcomes such as: quality outcomes, revenue, profits and people –...
Before you act today, think ahead to the reaction you may receive. There is a reaction to every action,...
What is the difference between busy and productive? Are we busy each day but not productive? Minimize your “busy-work”...
Break your 90-day goals down to weekly goals and monitor your progress each week. 90-day planning focuses on the...
Leaders help all employees find purpose in their work. Connect employees to what’s most meaningful to them. Ask, “What...