Are you ready for intense change?
“If you do not change, you can become extinct,” writes Dr. Spencer Johnson in Who Moved My Cheese—a reminder that change is part of life, and how we manage it determines whether we survive.
In organizations, there are many reasons we see change. Sometimes change is intentional. Perhaps there is new leadership, or an organization is going fully or partially virtual. A company may be relocating or merging. Sometimes change is forced by circumstances outside of the organization’s control. Perhaps there is a shortage, or an organization is forced to change due to competition. There may be new government regulations forcing change—caused by a pandemic or something else.
In organizations, there are many reasons we see change. Sometimes change is intentional. Perhaps there is new leadership, or an organization is going fully or partially virtual. A company may be relocating or merging. Sometimes change is forced by circumstances outside of the organization’s control. Perhaps there is a shortage, or an organization is forced to change due to competition. There may be new government regulations forcing change—caused by a pandemic or something else.
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