Measure the Important Things
Questions for Clarity What gets in the way of getting our work done? Where are there opportunities to implement...
PDSA can be used to test and measure system-wide improvements, however, it’s important to start with small fast tests...
The futuristic nature of an organization’s strategic plan can sometimes lead to ambiguous language and goals. Ensure statements like...
When creating a scorecard, it is important to remember less is more. What are the most important indicators of...
Schedule time each quarter to connect with a few external stakeholders. Ask for feedback and perceptions about the organization’s...
A plus/delta tool can also aid in reflective practice. When using this tool, it is important to ensure you...
Before you open your next results report, pause and remember why you asked for data in the first place....
Conduct a Plus/Delta with the participants at the end of your next board or team meeting. Observe dynamics in the...
Look across industries for benchmark data. Some of the greatest innovations and successes are inspired by businesses doing completely...
Unachievable goals have the potential to deflate and demotivate teams when time runs out and the target is not...
Identify an executive champion for each organizational goal. That leader works with the team to break the goal into...
Focus groups can be led by individuals inside the organization or by external facilitators. For either approach, it is...
When paired with survey item means, top box information becomes even more valuable for goal-setting. During your next results...
The plus/delta tool is an effective way to keep feedback organized. As electronic file sharing continues to be a...
As teams set out to achieve new goals, meet and define what will determine positive progress is being made...
As new technology becomes rapidly introduced, it’s a good idea to revisit processes you use to execute your daily...
Create a list of your accomplishments since you’ve begun your career. What awards or recognition have you received? What... Reflection Activity video transcript Reflection Activity How can leaders intentionally follow-up after receiving feedback? Why is it important...
To illustrate to teams the value of their service, it’s critical to measure progress, gather feedback and share that...
After the employee engagement survey results are calculated, gather your team and talk about the results. What ideas does...
Employees often cite ‘poor communication’ as a workplace barrier. This doesn’t mean that they want MORE communication. They are...
What is important to the organization’s stakeholders? Do you gather feedback from the stakeholders (the physical community that surrounds...
Are the organization’s broad goals converted into measurable annual goals? What actions are necessary to accomplish those annual goals?...
Prepare a plan with an aspiring leader this week. It’s recommended for the professional development plan to include goals,...
Conduct a SMART goal audit to confirm the alignment of goals with organizational strategy and leadership expectations. Starting with...
Collecting data has a specific purpose. The type of data collected and the tool used for collection is determined...
Using the recognition tracking form or a similar process, record who you’ve acknowledged and why. If you supervise others,...
What does your organization value? How do you role-model one of the values? How do those you work with...
It is most effective to schedule a strategy meeting after data needed to inform the work are available. We...
Take the extra step to find out what each of your teammates value when being recognized and reward them...
Adopt and commit to an objective, measurable, leader evaluation tool and hold leaders accountable for the results.
Make your stakeholders aware of the current status and the future target of your organization. Be honest and transparent...
To improve the performance of your team, observe and review behaviors of low performing teams as well as those...
Value your listening and reading time at roughly 10 times your talking time on the road to continuous learning...