What is important to the organization’s stakeholders? Do you gather feedback from the stakeholders (the physical community that surrounds the organization, its investors, its customers, anyone that benefits from the service it provides)? Analyze stakeholder feedback to develop a plan to communicate openly with stakeholders based on the information they want to hear. Stakeholders want honest updates from the source.
Tell Stakeholders What they Want to Know
Mandy, , 0 -
Establish a Clear Objective
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Focus groups can be led by individuals inside the organization or by external facilitators. For either approach, it is...
What Have You Accomplished?
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Create a list of your accomplishments since you’ve begun your career. What awards or recognition have you received? What...
Plus/Delta & Why
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
A plus/delta tool can also aid in reflective practice. When using this tool, it is important to ensure you...
Reflect on Values
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
What does your organization value? How do you role-model one of the values? How do those you work with...