Look across industries for benchmark data. Some of the greatest innovations and successes are inspired by businesses doing completely different work.
Relate Don’t Compare
How Do We Know if it’s an Improvement?
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Questions for Clarity What gets in the way of getting our work done? Where are there opportunities to implement...
Create Goal Champions
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Identify an executive champion for each organizational goal. That leader works with the team to break the goal into...
Clear Language
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
The futuristic nature of an organization’s strategic plan can sometimes lead to ambiguous language and goals. Ensure statements like...
What Have You Accomplished?
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Create a list of your accomplishments since you’ve begun your career. What awards or recognition have you received? What...
Observe and Learn
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
To improve the performance of your team, observe and review behaviors of low performing teams as well as those...
Prevent Survey Burnout
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
https://youtu.be/uYr-zxp91zk Reflection Activity video transcript Reflection Activity How can leaders intentionally follow-up after receiving feedback? Why is it important...