If the months keep passing and you keep forgetting to connect with customers, use your calendar to establish a cadence for connecting. Set a 30 minute appointment on the same day of each month and use that time to schedule your connections. Then, treat the appointments as sacred events on your calendar. Avoid canceling and adjust the number of appointments each month, as you learn what works best for you.
Commit to Connecting
Leader Connection Questions
hailstudio, , 0
CONNECT WITH EMPLOYEES AND GATHER INPUT Studies show employees want to provide input, but don’t feel like they are...
External Customer Connection Questions
hailstudio, , 0
Why are external customer connection questions important? Most of us want to: be known for excellent service to all...
The Power of Thank You Notes
Mandy, , 0
WHY ARE THANK YOU NOTES SO IMPORTANT? A personalized thank you note is one of the very best ways...
Standard: Teamwork and Collaboration
Mandy, , 0
Source: Waukesha County Schools / wcwebvideos YouTube (https://youtu.be/PFYWbg374EQ) Reflection Activity VIEW VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Reflection Activity When introducing standards of...
Take Time to Reflect
Mandy, , 0
When was the last time you reflected when things went wrong? Learn from your mistakes by taking time to...
Finding Meaning
Mandy, , 0
All of us want to be a key player on a team that achieves something meaningful. Take time today...