External Customer Connection Questions

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External customers want to feel valued and to trust you are providing the quality service based on their needs and wants. High performing leaders recognize the need to build feedback loops with external customers to inform service quality, improvement, and decisions that may affect service performance. Engaging external customers in conversations focused on their definition of quality service communicates your concern and commitment to the customer and customer care. We’ve found that making connections with customers that encourage open lines of communication provide leaders with important information that supports leader decision making and creates a great organization for all stakeholders. Asking your customer about the quality of service received, as well as the quality of service expected, indicates that you have sincere care for your customer. If you have sincere care, you will provide high-quality service consistently. This high-quality service becomes contagious.
Research tells us that “good decision making” is one of the highest organizational priorities for leaders. Intentionally connecting with and seeking the input of external customers reflects the highest level of commitment to better decision making since you are asking your customer to define what quality service means.