High performing teams, and teams of individuals who are just getting to know each other may have different ideas, visions, and opinions. As the team leader, be prepared to manage all voices and conflicts that may occur as teams are beginning to build trust and execute together.
Anticipate Conflict
Leader Connection Questions
hailstudio, , 0CONNECT WITH EMPLOYEES AND GATHER INPUT Studies show employees want to provide input, but don’t feel like they are...
Take Time to Reflect
Mandy, , 0When was the last time you reflected when things went wrong? Learn from your mistakes by taking time to...
Prioritize for Joy
Mandy, , 0Identify what priorities will allow you to lead a happy life and let those things guide you.
Create a Vision
9P, , 0People follow leaders that can see beyond today’s problems and visualize a brighter future. Show your team the connection...
Craft your character
9P, , 0You cannot pick your talents or IQ, but you can choose your character. You can’t separate a leader’s character...
Determining Success
9P, , 0“Your growth determines who you are. Who you are will determine who you attract. Who you attract determines the...
Learn to Be Exceptional
9P, , 0Exceptional leaders are continuous learners. Choose a topic you’d like to learn more about and schedule time this week...