We/They is the act of passing blame to others. Increase ownership behavior and eliminate we/they by visualizing your supervisor in your back pocket.
Back Pocket Ownership
Compliance Conversations
Mandy, , 0
ADDRESS NON-COMPLIANCE WITH A FOCUS ON IMPROVEMENT Organizations where leaders allow continued low performance rarely reach desired goals. “What...
Be An Owner
Mandy, , 0 -
Do Less to Accomplish More
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Identify the most important task aligned to your goals each day and finish it first. “By creating less activity,...
Changing Course with a Bobsled
Mandy, , 0
ACCOUNTABILITY = RELIABILITY This scene plays out in businesses all over the world. A team has a vision, goals...
Champion of the Goal
Brian Kennedy, , 0
ACHIEVE EXPERT FOCUS Often in a large organization, the executive team works with the executive leader to identify goals,...
Breaking Down Goals
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Put your goals into bite-size pieces that are attainable in 90 days. A 90-day plan is the roadmap to...