Leading with Conviction

The many facets of the executive leader.
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Champion of the Goal

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Consistent communication about goals keeps everyone focused on the right things. This communication is usually managed by a leader of the organization. Organizations usually have more than one annual goal, so it may be difficult for just one leader to generate the type of communication needed to help employees realize the importance of all the organization’s goals. Many organizations assign a goal owner, or executive champions, to ensure achievement of each goal.

It is important for employees to understand that what they do each day contributes to overall success. Communicating the purpose of each goal and the progress toward achieving goals keeps interest high and effort focused. Executive goal champions deliver messages about goal priorities and significance.


Often in a large organization, the executive team works with the executive leader to identify goals, actions, and metrics for measuring progress. Each executive leader owns a goal/priority. We call these executive leaders the champion of the goal. Being the champion of an organizational goal requires ferocious resolve to achieve the goal (Collins, 2001). Each goal is owned by a champion with authority, position, and resources to provide focus on this one goal.

The executive champion is expert regarding data needed to indicate progress toward reaching the goal at regular, short cycle intervals. The champion can forecast success of the goal continuously. Firsthand knowledge of the strategies to achieve the goal is essential for the champion, to provide a true picture of progress.

Having an executive champion for a goal guarantees resources are available to assist when data indicate a need to shift strategy. Also, the executive leader usually has access to other executive leaders for collaboration for success. The entire organization is relying on every champion to be successful.


The organization’s executive leader determines the executive champion for each of the goals. The goal for the executive champion is aligned to leader’s daily work. This champion will own the goal and its achievement.

The focus of the executive champion is always on how to move performance of the team to higher levels to reach or surpass the goal target. This single line of focus is essential for achievement of a goal. The champion is the person responsible for reporting out results at regular intervals and for identifying areas of success. The champion also facilitates discussion of strategy implementation and any needed changes or adjustments to strategy. These discussions and decisions always revolve around hitting the goal and increasing performance.

The champion for each goal is communicated throughout the organization and with the individual teams. It is important for the champions role to be well-defined for the organization.


Strive to inform.

Executive leaders should constantly strive to keep their team informed, as well as the entire organization. Be certain your executive leaders have the necessary tools to make informed decisions in order to share out accurate information.

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