Identify one thing you will learn this week, and set aside the time needed in your schedule. Improve yourself before you attempt to improve those you lead.
Improve Yourself First
Investing Your Time
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
As leaders working with individuals to support their growth and improvements it’s important to be aware of the time...
Reflect on Performance
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Ask employees to reflect on their own performance: What’s working well & why? What’s not working as well as...
Accurately Distinguish Your Emotions
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
One way to increase emotional intelligence is to get really specific about what emotion you’re experiencing. Instead of using...
Find Your Grown Gorilla
Brian Kennedy, , 0
In his book Find an Old Gorilla, Waffle House, Inc.’s Vice Chairman Emeritus Bert Thornton, shares his secrets to...
Anxiety and Leadership
Erica Callaway Karr, , 0
Moving Forward Leaders are just as human as the rest of the team. The first step in moving forward...
Get Back to the Fundamentals
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
What tactics do you have in place to create better alignment in the workplace? Are you training your leaders in...