We/They is easy to do and often undetected. Bringing the practice to light and learning how to spot statements that paint others in a negative light is the first step to eliminating We/They from your organization. Model the expectation of eradication by admitting when you We/They throughout the week. The team will respect this open reflection and be more willing to hold themselves accountable.
Break the We/They Habit
Leading with Vulnerability
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Be Vulnerable to Create Connection Dr. Brene Brown, research professor at the University of Houston, defines vulnerability as “The...
Sleep On It
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Writing and sending an emotionally charged message can be a costly error. When tempted to respond to a situation...
Clarify Decision Making
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Be open with all employees in the organization about the decision-making process. The more information an individual has about...
Feedback that Inspires
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Focus on the Outcome The way we provide feedback makes a difference in how people receive and act on...
Leader Connection Questions
hailstudio, , 0
CONNECT WITH EMPLOYEES AND GATHER INPUT Studies show employees want to provide input, but don’t feel like they are...
The Value of Note-Taking
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Set aside specific time in your schedule after meetings to take notes. When meeting with many people you’ll want...
The Joy of Reward
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Recognize your high performers by giving them more responsibility or an opportunity to work in an area they are...
Support Succession Planning
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Consider what a leadership development program would look like for your organization. Picture a process for developing aspiring leaders...