Next time you’re rushing to that next meeting, look up and give the people you’re zooming past a smile or a quick hello. The difference it could make to their day, and your own, is bigger than you might anticipate.
There is Always Time for a Smile
External Customer Connection Questions
hailstudio, , 0
Why are external customer connection questions important? Most of us want to: be known for excellent service to all...
The Power of Thank You Notes
Mandy, , 0
WHY ARE THANK YOU NOTES SO IMPORTANT? A personalized thank you note is one of the very best ways...
Standard: Teamwork and Collaboration
Mandy, , 0
Source: Waukesha County Schools / wcwebvideos YouTube ( Reflection Activity VIEW VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Reflection Activity When introducing standards of...
Finding Meaning
Mandy, , 0
All of us want to be a key player on a team that achieves something meaningful. Take time today...
Looking at Culture
9P, , 0
It is important for each of us to step back and look at our organizational culture. What does it...
Inspiring Customer Service
Mandy, , 0
Reflection Activity View Video Transcript Reflection Activity When was the last time your team provided Maria Garcia-level service? Did...