Not everyone has a leader that is willing to advocate on their behalf when it comes to a new position, promotion, or career change. It’s beneficial to develop relationships with other leaders and individuals in your industry, or with more experience than you, to advocate on your behalf. Identify at least 1 person you would like to develop a relationship with.
Build Advocates
Values Start from the Top
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Team members look to the leader to set the expectation. Leaders must lead by example and align their actions...
Champion of the Goal
Brian Kennedy, , 0
ACHIEVE EXPERT FOCUS Often in a large organization, the executive team works with the executive leader to identify goals,...
Investing Your Time
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
As leaders working with individuals to support their growth and improvements it’s important to be aware of the time...
Focus on Growth & Development
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
When crafting a job description and searching for highly talented candidates, it’s important to focus on how this person...
Drowning in Data?
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
The quality of the data is much more important than the quantity. Are you collecting the data that is...