What are 3 Organizational Barriers to Change?

Denial. Blame. Rationalization.
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Mark Complete

Identify Barriers to Change

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Organizations are facing more pressure than ever to transform their practices and improve their outcomes. Competition is fierce. The speed of information and higher demands from consumers forces leaders to shift the way change is approached. Commonly, there is much anxiety attached to change. People like to do things “the way they’ve always done it,” but that’s not the attitude that will achieve success in today's OR tomorrow’s world. Individuals, leaders, and organizations need to view change as a positive opportunity to take their mission to a higher level. Focus on the goal, not the barrier.

This podcast episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What does change look and feel like?

  • How do we shift the way we think about change?

  • Why must organizations adapt to continuous change rather than episodic change?

  • What are the 3 most common barriers to organizational change?

Acknowledge Subconscious Barriers

“Barriers originate at a subconscious level, perhaps stemming from emotions that sit just below the surface. We may not even realize we’re acting in a particular way. When we do, we may not know how to change our behavior.”

– Dr. Janet Pilcher

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