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Leader Action Planning with 30-45-60-Day Huddles

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When we focus on everything, we accomplish nothing. Most of our daily routines are based on tasks that are must-dos. It’s likely we can’t minimize those tasks. However, we can be very strategic around the remaining time we have left. It's critical to an organization’s success that we identify the actions we should focus on that will lead to the greatest results.

Leader Action Plan

As leaders collaborate to discuss upcoming goals that will cascade down to their teams, we recommend completing a leader action plan to clearly define next steps and monitor progress. Leaders and individuals can also use this template to provide clarity and progress monitoring around their upcoming action steps, during team huddles. (See below for more huddle information.)

30-45-60-Day leader huddles Agenda

During cycles of improvement, change initiatives, or periods of disruption, we recommend leaders implement 30-45-60-day leader huddles to ensure alignment, monitor progress, and discuss barriers. In addition to leader huddles, some teams may also want to implement daily huddles with a broader group of team members for progress monitoring. The following agenda provides opportunities for leaders to report wins and discuss review their action plan and next steps with other leaders.


  • Greetings/Welcome/Roll Call (One Minute)
  • Gratitude:
    • Who would you like to thank today for helping you get things done? Have thank you cards available and collect them to be sent either intra-mail system of US Mail. (2 minutes)
  • Harvest Wins: Ask members to share out a win from what is working well. (5 minutes)
  • Leader Action Plans Stoplight Conversation (15 minutes)
    • Each Leader Reports:
      • Did you do what you said you were going to do? (Aligned strategic actions to organization goals) What is your color report status – green, yellow, or red?
      • What evidence do you have to support your status?
      • Where are you stuck? What barriers are you working to eliminate?
    • All Leaders: Create a plus/delta and discuss barriers (30 minutes)
    • Determine: What is your next step in the next 24 hours?

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