Stay in touch with past colleagues, industry friends, old classmates and others in your network. Update your network when you achieve new accomplishments, develop or advance your skills, successfully complete new projects, achieve outstanding results, or complete a degree or certification.
Keep Your Network Informed
Take Advantage of Digital Media
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Social networks like LinkedIn that have a professional audience can be useful to your career. Keep social profiles refreshed...
Initiating Change
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
When communicating any organization goals or changes start with explaining the reason why it is necessary. Make changes only after you...
Communicate Your Superpowers
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Spend time as a team discussing each individual’s strengths and natural communication tendencies. To build stronger work relationships, make...
Listen Intently
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Pay Sincere Attention Have you noticed lately that getting another person’s undivided attention can be rather difficult? Between daily...
Allow Time to Process Survey Results
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
After your initial review of survey data, allow yourself time to process the results. Take a break from the...