Be the Model: Routines and Procedures
Humans crave stability. Even the most free-spirited individual needs some degree of structure and routine. Our students want to know what to expect and that they will have a stable environment where they can grow and excel.
Routines and procedures tell students what to expect and what is expected of them. When adults model and consistently hold students accountable to expected behaviors, they send a message about the importance of the routines and procedures. They are also establishing stability in the learning and living environment.
How consistently do you model what you expect? Do you ever let a behavior slide?
Routines and procedures tell students what to expect and what is expected of them. When adults model and consistently hold students accountable to expected behaviors, they send a message about the importance of the routines and procedures. They are also establishing stability in the learning and living environment.
How consistently do you model what you expect? Do you ever let a behavior slide?