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Handover Service Scenarios

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Use the scenarios below to practice tough handover situations you might encounter in your workplace. Fill in the blanks to create a custom scene. The goal is to get the person to the right team member who can resolve the situation.

Role Playing Activity

In groups of three, one employee is an observer, one is a customer, and one is the business representative. The customer and representative act out various scenarios, provided below. The observer offers feedback in terms of how well the representative communicated with his/her customer. The roles are then rotated.

Scenario 1: Hi. I’m trying to send an email to ____________ and keep getting told the emails keep ending up in spam folders. If this is a known issue, it should be resolved.

Scenario 2: Hi. I’m being asked to fill out a form I’ve already submitted to HR. I’d like to not fill that form out again. How can we get a copy of what I already completed to all individuals who need it?

Scenario 3: Hi. I’m being told that my ______________ account is empty.

Scenario 4: Hi. I just got a letter saying I missed my payment, but the payment was made on time.

Scenario 5: Hi. I’m looking for someone to help with _____________, could you help me locate the right person?

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