Is Good Customer Recovery Enough?

Treat customer complaints as a valuable growth opportunity.
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Is it really enough to provide good, or even very good, customer service? When your organization treats service recovery as just another refund, it misses a valuable growth opportunity. Excellent service recovery turns people with a poor experience into your biggest brand advocates. During this podcast episode, Dr. Pilcher describes the 4 steps to customer recovery.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What is the difference between good service recovery and excellent service recovery?

  • What steps can you take to recover from a bad customer experience?

  • How can your organization own a customer complaint, gain insight to improve, and keep its reputation intact?

Take Ownership of Service

“We help our company, the company brand, and most of all our employees, when we shift the responsibility from the employee to leaders when recovering from poor service.”

– Dr. Janet Pilcher

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