Attain desired results
Nine Principles in Action
Organizational excellence is achieved when teams commit to strategies that grow a culture of success and a continuous improvement mindset. The Nine Principles for Organizational Excellence provide a road map for attaining desired results.
In many organizations, the actions aligned to each principle are not foreign. They may already be in place or a form of the action is in place. The key to growing in excellence is to implement each principle with fidelity, over time. A team is not expected to master each principle from the onset or according to a specific timeline. Excellence does require consistent attention and application of these actions, as well as a commitment to getting better at each along the way.
Review each of the Nine Principles for Organizational Excellence and related actions. Then, decide how your team can begin to put the principles into action, or ways you might improve existing practices.
In many organizations, the actions aligned to each principle are not foreign. They may already be in place or a form of the action is in place. The key to growing in excellence is to implement each principle with fidelity, over time. A team is not expected to master each principle from the onset or according to a specific timeline. Excellence does require consistent attention and application of these actions, as well as a commitment to getting better at each along the way.
Review each of the Nine Principles for Organizational Excellence and related actions. Then, decide how your team can begin to put the principles into action, or ways you might improve existing practices.
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