Keep track of the good stuff.
Manage Up/Reward and Recognition Tracking Form
Starting a meeting with a Manage Up and other wins is great way to build a positive culture. What if you can't remember if you already recognized the person at the last meeting? The Manage Up/Reward & Recognition Tracking Form helps leaders keep up with who is being recognized on the team and the good work being done.
Set an example of managing up and recognizing what’s working well for your team. Keep a record of those you recognize and why. Tracking these recognitions is an effective way to monitor trends in performance. Consider using this form to track all the individuals you manage up in a month or after a series of connection conversations with your direct reports. You may prefer to download and use this form throughout the year.
Set an example of managing up and recognizing what’s working well for your team. Keep a record of those you recognize and why. Tracking these recognitions is an effective way to monitor trends in performance. Consider using this form to track all the individuals you manage up in a month or after a series of connection conversations with your direct reports. You may prefer to download and use this form throughout the year.
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