Keep your team aligned
Addressing Executive Leader Sabotage
Alignment across the executive leadership team allows departments across the organization to work cohesively to exceed goals. Executive leaders spend time analyzing information, strategizing, and making decisions about the direction of the organization. The senior leader of the organization is responsible for leading the executive team. If there are executives on the team that say one thing during executive meetings, yet turn around and do another, the organization is susceptible to a damaging disease infecting its culture. Whether the executive is new or has a long history with the company, if they are not willing to move forward with the direction of the organization, have a drastically different way of thinking, or if they are just resistant to any change, the senior leader needs to address the negative behavior.
Analyze the following situation and answer the questions to practice addressing executive leader sabotage.
Alignment across the executive leadership team allows departments across the organization to work cohesively to exceed goals. Executive leaders spend time analyzing information, strategizing, and making decisions about the direction of the organization. The senior leader of the organization is responsible for leading the executive team. If there are executives on the team that say one thing during executive meetings, yet turn around and do another, the organization is susceptible to a damaging disease infecting its culture. Whether the executive is new or has a long history with the company, if they are not willing to move forward with the direction of the organization, have a drastically different way of thinking, or if they are just resistant to any change, the senior leader needs to address the negative behavior.
Analyze the following situation and answer the questions to practice addressing executive leader sabotage.
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