Tool 8: Re-entry Plan Template
REENTRY TOOLKIT TOOL 8: REENTRY PLAN TEMPLATE Return to Toolkit Directions Using the responses to questions and compiling themes from

Tool 7: Re-entry Questions Template
REENTRY TOOLKIT TOOL 7: REENTRY QUESTIONS TEMPLATE Return to Toolkit Directions Use this template to transfer the topic and question

Tool 6: Re-entry Questions by Topic
REENTRY TOOLKIT TOOL 6: REENTRY QUESTIONS BY TOPIC Return to Toolkit Directions Using the directions in the Leading a Successful

Tool 5: High-Level Scenario Thinking
REENTRY TOOLKIT TOOL 5: HIGH-LEVEL SCENARIO THINKING Return to Toolkit Directions Convene your leadership team and any others selected to

Tool 4: After-Action Review Process
REENTRY TOOLKIT TOOL 4: AFTER-ACTION REVIEW PROCESS Return to Toolkit Step One: Looking Back Directions Think back and reflect on

Tool 3: Communication Template
REENTRY TOOLKIT TOOL 3: COMMUNICATION TEMPLATE Return to Toolkit DIRECTIONS This template can be used to communicate various actions the