Take a moment to reflect on how well you are upholding your organization’s values… usually they match your own. Is there room for improvement? Take note of what could be improved in your own behavior.
Reflect on Your Own Behavior
Erica Callaway Karr, , 0
WHAT IS ACCOUNTABILITY? Our coaching team spends a lot of time with leaders and teams on the concepts of...
Track Your Achievements
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
As you develop and progress throughout your career, it can be useful to track your accomplishments or your career...
Get the Team Involved in Action Planning
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
90-day planning helps us focus on the 90-day priorities and actions that will move us closer to achievement of...
Admit Your Mistakes
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
When you realize you’ve made a mistake, make amends humbly and immediately. The more time you let pass, the...
Consult a Lawyer
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
During a crisis it is essential for leaders to consult with a lawyer before releasing information. Once a lawyer...
Ground Yourself
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
When you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions, practice a “grounding” technique. One option you can use while sitting or...
Develop a Peer Interviewing Team
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
When team members are included in the hiring of new employees, they take ownership of recruiting and retaining new...
Grow Owners
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Owners are deeply committed to organizational performance. They often take personal responsibility when things go wrong and immediately begin...