Gather data from your customers and front-end employees about their service experience with your organization. Listen to the feedback and analyze it to identify themes. Then discuss this information with your teams and brainstorm ideas to improve the experience. Choose 1-3 actions for improvement and decide which team members will own them.
Reflect on Service
Harvest Stories
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Ask team members to participate in sharing their ‘connect to purpose’ stories regularly – weekly/monthly meetings, all company emails,...
Recognition Team
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
Establish a service team of individuals who are responsible for creating reward and recognition programs and ideas for your...
External Customer Connection Questions
hailstudio, , 0
Why are external customer connection questions important? Most of us want to: be known for excellent service to all...
Commit to Connecting
Casey Kuktelionis, , 0
If the months keep passing and you keep forgetting to connect with customers, use your calendar to establish a...