Communicate at All Levels
rounding isn’t one size fits all Rounding can occur across all levels of an organization. Mid-level leaders round with... Reflection Activity View Video Transcript Reflection Activity Reflect as you watch: Think about your reactions to change. Do...
Leverage the Execution Triangle Execution is a must in order for our organizations to reach goals. Lack of execution...
Deliver the Right Amount of Information We keep communication simple when we use the why-what-how format for planning our...
Try your hand at empathetic listening and negotiating to strengthen team communication and relationships. During your next meeting, listen...
Barriers and silos often exist in an organization when there is a lack of effective communication. People in different...
Instead of focusing on the next thing you will say after the speaker is finished talking, focus on the...
Communicate about a crisis as openly and honestly as possible. Don’t try to leave out information, mislead the public...
Silent feedback may seem like an oxymoron, but it can be a powerful tool for collective brainstorming and reflection....
Every time you make a decision or are informed about a decision by senior leadership, pause and think, ‘Who...
When approaching a conversation with your leader about their performance, use their preferred communication method. Match their communication style...
Before approaching an Impact Conversation practice what you want to say with a trusted leader or colleague. Monitor your...
Approach each conversation – formal and informal – with a specific purpose. Set clear expectations with your team.
The most effective communicators are those who can connect the dots for others in a way that creates clear...
Communication can be used to effectively lead change. To help craft key change messages and cascade them throughout the...
Pre-planning for conversations with employees is the sign of a high-performing leader. Preparation is necessary for identifying a clear...
One caution for the results report and the sharing of the data would be to give careful thought to...
When communicating any organization goals or changes start with explaining the reason why it is necessary. Make changes only after you...
Prepare for a crisis communication press conference by brainstorming as many questions as the team can think of that...
Often times the first place people will look for information about an organization is on their social media pages....
Depending on the extent of the crisis, multiple audiences may need to receive information and messages from the organization....
It’s normal to feel defensive when listening to a customer complain about their experience or service. Practice listening and...
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two...
We often think networking has to be a rigid, professional experience. However, time spent at volunteer events, children’s practices...
When crafting a job description, be as clear and detailed as possible. Provide an accurate picture of what’s required...
Owners do whatever it takes to get the job done. This may require overcoming barriers, or additional resources or...
Social networks like LinkedIn that have a professional audience can be useful to your career. Keep social profiles refreshed...
Stay in touch with past colleagues, industry friends, old classmates and others in your network. Update your network when...
After your initial review of survey data, allow yourself time to process the results. Take a break from the...
Both a mentor and mentee can benefit from valuable feedback from one another. The original purpose of the relationship...
Pay Sincere Attention Have you noticed lately that getting another person’s undivided attention can be rather difficult? Between daily...
Gather feedback from your employees and the community (investors, customers, people who benefit from your organization) regarding your communication....
Social media facilitates transparent communication by reaching your community where they already spend time. How can your organization use...
Offer a consistent place for your internal audience and your external audience to find information about your organization. The...
After we have gathered data, it’s important to close the feedback loop and share the results with our organization’s...
Using a scorecard, help employees see how their daily actions inspire progress that leads to meaningful results. Employees are...
Even the highest performing employees appreciate check-ins with their leader. Meet with your direct reports on a monthly basis...
In preparation for an employee forum, consider sending out a request for questions from employees beforehand. Doing so will...
What resources can upcoming leaders take advantage of to develop their skills? Are there external professional development opportunities available?...
Spend time as a team discussing each individual’s strengths and natural communication tendencies. To build stronger work relationships, make...
As we reflect on what’s working well, identify areas with opportunities for improvement, and develop the needed adjustments to...
Your Reputation is at Stake Who can forget the United Airlines passenger who was forcibly removed from an overcrowded...
Embrace Free-Flowing Information An organization that values transparency knows it’s more than just reporting financial information to investors. Transparency...
Incorporate rewarding and recognizing team members into your social media strategy. People are attracted to their ’15 minutes of...
Many individuals crave feedback at work. It lets us know we’re on the right track, and reveals areas for...
The stoplight colors are an easy and quick way to communicate progress toward achieving a goal. The green, yellow,...
During conversations with your team members, pay close attention to their nonverbal communication. If a person’s body language and...
To obtain meaningful feedback and achieve effective prioritization, we communicate the why, what, and how before, during, and after...
It’s About the Mission Conversations that address behavior and performance are necessary if the organization is going to meet...
Thank your colleague who cares enough to speak up and provide you with feedback. Feedback is a caring gesture...
Avoid embarrassing and sometimes costly mistakes by double checking every email before you click send. Once it goes out,...
The most important part of communication is hearing what isn’t being said. During conversations, pay close attention to what...
Instead of asking, “Do you have any questions?,” ask, “What can I explain better?” You can probe further by...
To be clear you received accurate information, always communicate back what you heard.
Identify changes that could occur in your organization’s near future and create a plan for how you’d quickly respond...
Pause for 2 to 5 seconds to think today before you respond. Your response is always a choice, even...
Add time in your meetings today to give the opportunity for others to share their ideas. This will encourage...