What does vulnerable leadership look like?

Let the walls come down
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Take Off The Armor

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"When you shut down vulnerability you shut down opportunity"-- the words of Brene Brown challenge us to get honest with ourselves and reflect. What does vulnerable leadership look like? We know it involves opening up and being real, but how do we approach vulnerability in our organizations? In this podcast episode, Janet shares characteristics of vulnerable leadership and practical tips for leading with vulnerability.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • What are four things leaders can do to lead with vulnerability?

  • What does vulnerable leadership not look like?

  • How do we establish trust within our organizations?

Be transparent about results

“As a leader, let people know how you feel about results and why. If they’re good results, celebrate. Let them know how you feel about those results. If there are results we have to talk about that are difficult- if we feel defeated or feel we could have done a little bit better- and if we feel as a leader we needed to make some adjustments and changes, let’s let people know that.”

Dr. Janet Pilcher


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