I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Simple!
Simplify The Process
Revisiting processes to ensure they’re as efficient as possible enhances the organization’s productivity. It creates a more agile organization that is able to respond quickly to the fast-paced world we live in. Over time, processes accumulate additional steps or may stray from the intended purpose of the process. When we analyze a process to understand why and how it’s done, we can make improvements to keep it simple that will benefit employees, customers, and the organization.
Read the scenario, and then answer the following questions:
Revisiting processes to ensure they’re as efficient as possible enhances the organization’s productivity. It creates a more agile organization that is able to respond quickly to the fast-paced world we live in. Over time, processes accumulate additional steps or may stray from the intended purpose of the process. When we analyze a process to understand why and how it’s done, we can make improvements to keep it simple that will benefit employees, customers, and the organization.
Read the scenario, and then answer the following questions:
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