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Short Cycle Scorecard Tool

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A scorecard with key measures is a useful tool for managing strategy and performance – determining what’s working well, what’s not working, and where we need to improve. We use the results on the scorecard to determine how well a specific team is executing to the plan to achieve results. We also review and use this tool to identify areas for improvement.

The scorecard is developed to analyze the organization’s strategic areas of focus. We call these strategic areas on the scorecard pillars

Key Measures That Matter

Key measures that matter predict how well leaders and teams will perform on the overall organizational goals. These measures also reflect areas that leaders and teams can influence with their actions. In our example, we are interested in theoverall retention rate as outcome that shows how well our organization is doing. To drive toward this outcome, we include percent of students completing assignments on time as a measure that matters.

Checking Progress

When we check progress at 30-, 60- and 90-day intervals, each measure is above goal, at goal, or below goal. The results are used to determine what is working and where improvements are needed. This gives teams an opportunity to harvest wins and determine ways to improve on areas in need of attention.

Sample Short Cycle Scorecard

For each measure Rate: Green (At or Above Goal), Yellow (Making Progress, but Not at Goal), Red (Well Below Goal)

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