To Build a Scorecard
Building a Scorecard
A scorecard is a one- to two-page document that outlines an organization’s key annual goals aligned to strategic priorities, progress monitoring measures, and strategic actions. Development and frequent use of a scorecard focuses leaders on key priorities and promotes continuous improvement.
Leaders are encouraged to study available data as a first step in setting annual goals. What are the data suggesting as an aim for the year?
This template is intended to support the development of an organizational scorecard. Though organizations will often have multiple strategic priority areas, this form helps teams and leaders focus on one area at a time. The form may be completed multiple times.
A scorecard is a one- to two-page document that outlines an organization’s key annual goals aligned to strategic priorities, progress monitoring measures, and strategic actions. Development and frequent use of a scorecard focuses leaders on key priorities and promotes continuous improvement.
Leaders are encouraged to study available data as a first step in setting annual goals. What are the data suggesting as an aim for the year?
This template is intended to support the development of an organizational scorecard. Though organizations will often have multiple strategic priority areas, this form helps teams and leaders focus on one area at a time. The form may be completed multiple times.
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