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AIDET® Template & Tips

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AIDET® is a framework for using key words at key times. This strategy is used to inform people of the type and level of service that they will receive. An AIDET® can be used as an oral introduction, an email introduction, phone introduction, or a note. The AIDET® template offers a way to develop the introductory language to use when meeting or talking with new customers or partners.


Every Interaction:       

The elements of AIDET® are important in every interaction with a customer/partner. With that in mind, it is not a script. It is a set of five fundamental objectives to be met in the context of your interaction with others.

Not Order-Specific: 

Elements of AIDET® do not have to be delivered in any specific order, nor do all of the elements have to be included in every interaction.

AIDET® as Cross-sector:

AIDET® can be used in all departments and industries. It is a valuable tool for all types of interactions. For example, when calling any IT help desk with a computer problem, customers appreciate:

A:  Being acknowledged

I:   Knowing who they are speaking with and that the team is experienced and can handle request

D:  Knowing when they can expect things to occur

E:  Understanding what is happening and what the next step will be

T:  Hearing a pleasant close to the conversation like, Thanks for letting me know about this issue.”

Telephone Conversations: 

In telephone conversations, AIDET® is extremely important. Much of our intended message is lost when we cannot rely on the visual cues of body language. Standardizing the content of telephone communication with AIDET® can fill some of that gap.

Using Parts of AIDET®: 

There are times when you will need to verbalize only one or two of the elements of AIDET®.  For example, if you have had several phone conversations with a customer, it is not necessary to introduce yourself. The communication process is a dynamic one. The decision to “skip” one of the elements should be deliberate and made only after ensuring the customer already has that information. It is essential to assess if the customer has the necessary information and, if not, fill in any gaps that exist.

Repeat If Necessary:

Managing up and positioning yourself and your team in a positive light is often done with an initial introduction. It may be useful to repeat this communication, if you sense increased customer anxiety.

Specifics of Duration: 

Duration is best communicated in specific time increments. Words like soon, not long, or as soon as possible do not achieve the desired outcome. When you cannot commit to a specific time, commit to a specific time interval in which you will update the customer on progress.

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